Hating Women
I'm often accused of hating women. That is provably not true. There are several things that I have said about women, especially women in management roles. I will state them again as clearly as I can:
First, women, as a group, score the same median on IQ tests as men, but have a very different shape to the bell curve. A higher percentage of women are clustered around the median with fewer at the extreme ends. This is why there are fewer (notice I didn't say zero, just fewer) women Einstein's as well as fewer women sociopaths. Women are under-represented in both groups (or, if you prefer, men are over-represented in both groups), because they are under-represented in the associated IQ percentiles. I will freely admit that I have no idea why that is. People a lot smarter than me have spent their entire lives looking at that very question and come to different conclusions. I suspect, but cannot prove, that there is a reinforcing effect that involves several things such as genetics, social class, culture, opportunity, and nutrition. But regardless of the cause, things are as they are and bitching about it won't change anything.
Second, my personal experience working as everything from a dish washer in a restaurant, to a truck driver, to a systems analyst has led me to the following observation: every woman manager I have had was a disaster for the employees under them and the organization as a whole. I don't think that is the result of some sort of inferiority of the gender, but rather the selection process that is used in most organizations.
This is going to take some time to explain, so please reserve your male-bashing until you have read all the way through. Here is how every organization that I have been a part of works:
In any job or industry or trade, if you ask those who work in that trade to rank those they work with on a 1-to-10 scale, you will end up with a nice bell curve. The reason it will look like an IQ bell curve is because a person's ranking by his industry or trade peers will almost always be the same as his ranking by straight IQ in that same group. For example, if all the licensed electricians in one county were to rank each other on their work, the result would look very similar, if not identical, to their ranking by IQ. If you think about this for a moment, you will see why that is. If you watch the people in the upper quintile (20%), they seem to work effortlessly, rarely if ever looking rushed or hurried, yet accomplish as much as the other four quintiles combined.
The impact of this on those selected for management is that no organization that wishes to exist for long is going to take its most productive workers and put them in management. And no competent organization is going to promote anyone from the bottom three quintiles, unless coerced by government regulations. (Obviously, no selection process is perfect, but the organization will typically self-correct in fairly short order.) That leaves those in the 60-80th percentile range for management. For whatever reason, a male from this range can be a very effective manager, while a female cannot. Again, I don't know why that is, I just know that it is.
Now, if nature were allowed to take its course, the situation would resolve itself, and management would be largely a male profession. Instead, we are all under a constant barrage of indoctrination that what we know ain't so: these women are not bad managers; they just "bring something different to the table," or use a different "style." This is pure bullshit, but you can't say that these days. You have to just smile and nod, and pretend that reality is just a social construct.
If any of that makes me a woman-hater, then so be it. I prefer the label "reality-based."
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